Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The next three days

I recently saw a great movie. The next three days. Now if you have seen it you will probably be thinking that movie wasn't great. In truth some parts weren't. The acting wasn't bad but could have been better. There was no explosives or great action scenes. No great effects but I liked the internal struggle in it. 
      Russell Crowe is trying to break his   Wife out of jail but is struggling making himself break laws in order to do it. Also whether he can really kill someone or not, or if he could leave his son behind to let him and his wife go free. The several songs they put in it also made it amazing. Well thats a really short review but hope it helped 

Also in case I don't post before then HAPPY NEW YEARS!! only one more year left until the end of it all!

Monday, December 20, 2010


Just wanted to wish you all a merry Christmas. I hope it's a great one. I'll try to post this break but no promises. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!


Saturday, October 16, 2010


Well I'm back!!! Kind of. I wasn't ever gone just didn't want to blog. So I think I'm finally get around to that music video. I should be done soon. It should be great but it will probably be dumb. If you want to see it just contact me and I'll give you the link or something.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Just wondering

So just wondering. Do you like the short 1 st person story types. Like I think they were titled Precious and Eyes. Because if you do I could do more. Or if you like longer. I may be able to do that too.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Still alive

Don't worry I'm not dead but I am in a sort of blogger slump can't think of much to blog about but that might change. Any I'm still here.


Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hey I was wondering eat you guys thought of this statement made by some one I know when asked if he had any fears or phobias.
"No fears. No phobias.

1Jn 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love."


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So how much would y'all like me to do a music video starring myself?! I may do one but you know. Internet privacy and all of that such.
And if any of you hav a creative idea for a short story get it to me tomorrow and I might post it in a day.
Thanks much. And if you k ow any one who might appreciate this blog please spread the word.


Saturday, September 11, 2010


Here's a pic from the bus on the way to may second cross country race which I took a magnificent 88th place. I think. Yeah so not to beastly. But yeah at least I finished. - I wasn't last!-

And it wasnt to hot so it was nice.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Animal by..... you guessed it Kesha.

another song i like of hers... kind of the same tempo

now ill bet that you didnt look up zac efron so ill show him to you
ah yeah now your scarred for life.
in other important news
9/11 ! I cant say much on it really we've only heard the same stuff for .... 8? years so i doubt ill say anything new. hope you have a good 9/11 if possible.

so today when i was listening to... Kesha- which really has nothing to do with these thoughts- i thought about purpose in life. like at that moment i felt like i grasped and understood how i should live these next few years... and then i lost it.... and let me add a couple more.... Its funny how we live for certain things at certain parts in our life. I mean i get it but like running for instance your running 7 miles and about to kill your self when your done but you know in about two days youll be glad you did. we tend to think that certain events will change our entire lifes but really nothing you do is really unrevearsable... (previous statement not accountable in a court of law. any literal translation of that sentence is considered void. do not under any circumstance try to prove it wrong.) i guess you could kill your self or someone else but ... really??? have a good day
ps thoughts? i rushed it a little cause i got to go. bye

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


So here's my favorite version of one of the greatest songs of all time. Though I guess "Bet on it" by zack efron is just a tad better. Small bit.... (and if you havnt heard that song here it is... maybe... never mind i don't feel like posting a link. Just search it on YouTube. It's amazing!!!)

Back to the main song..
I just love it because it just is amazing. No matter who sings it or how, it sounds good. (I'll put the link down at the bottom.) (don't worry)
This version is my fav because he sings it slow and his voice isn't..... Pure. It's rough and is more common sounding, if that makes sense. -nevermind I put link at top so you can listen to it as you read this! Fooled you!-
And there's my record for most unorganized post. Hope you enjoy!!!!!!


Monday, September 6, 2010


So a couple of days this happened and I kind of forgot about it but then it popped into my mind and i don't know . It stuck out I suppose. It was in my Spanish class and we answered some questions -in spanish- and the teacher was choosing people to read their answers.
Now in our class we have a ... Mentally challenged..? Person. I'm not sure what is.. Different with him. But you can tell he is. Anyways (no offense meant to anyone) the teacher randomly picked a name and it was his so he slowly and hesitantly stumbled through his answer and at the end the teacher said "Bueno (good (I think)) " and the class applauded -like we usually do- and you could tell by his reaction/expression/ and demeanor that he was like totally happy or pridefull of his answer. Completely and utterly happy. His smile said that with out doubt and I have to say that is the happiest I have seen anyone one in a long time! It's seemed like pure joy.
Now I don't know anything about the person or if that even was truly a smile of happiness (but it certainly looked like one) but what I do know is that his smile looked twice as happy as anyone elses and he might hav half of what most kids do to look forward to.
The kids who are popular and smart and have everything going for them seems happy (occasionally) and smile every now and then but still. But if they would be as happy as him for small stuff like having the class aplaud you for giving a short answer imagine how happy they would be when say they won a championship or got to go to Disney land/World. Imagine how your life would be then????

Well just something that made me think a little. No disrespect to any one... Different. Hope you understood it. Please comment. If your new please say how you found my blog. Hasta la viesta and see you later! Have a good start to the school week!!!


Saturday, September 4, 2010


So I was looking through my stacks of writings and I found this one. It's not too old maybe... 6 to 8 months ish. It is kind of dark to some. Deffinatly not happy unless you like cheese. Any way here it is don't forget to post your thoughts (it isn't edited so may be some mistakes (but when are any of my posts edited ?)) enjoy

How much can be told about a man by his eyes? Some say very little, others say everything. I believe, no, I Know for a fact you can learn everything.
I knew a man once and his eyes revealed everything. It may sound fictionous but I tell you it wasn't. Now let me tell you about.
He was a soldier and warrior. His eyes said he had seen death and not just plain death, death brought about by himself. Death that he personaly carried out. With either a pull of a trigger, a short command, or even a swift jerk of a blade. His eyes with solemn and smooth, sunken deap within their sockets. Not only had he seen and carried out death but he had come to accept it. He had found the self justice of the situation and kept it. He was not happy with what he had done but he accepted it. His eyes not only smooth but also hard. It showed that he had killed before and would not hesitate to do it again if came the option. He would fight and kill all the harder if there was loved ones to save but now that was getting harder. He had lost everyone and all. His eyes showed a sleeplessness that came with several nights staying up and regretting the past. A look that described feeling like child when you should of been an adult and having to pay the consequences.
Even with all the death and killing in his eyes there was a softness like none other. A Softness that only came from a love like no other. One look could tell you he cared. He had a wife, oh how he adored her. He labored for her. Spent his whole life for her and then what? Only to hav her snatched away from him forever.
Revenge would glow from his eyes. Revenge sparked his brown eyes and gave them fire. The one who took his reson to live away would suffer. Now he lived for that reason only. No remorse and no regret. No pain and no emotion. His eyes may show emotion but his heart has been turned cold. Now he needs no self justice to make right the people he killed. He did not cared about anyone. All he cared for had already left this earth. Let the world burn! Forget the way of justice taught to him in the wars. Let nothing but hatred rule him. Now he now hunts and soon he shall find his prey. God help them.
ps it's fictional. Don't worry :)


Friday, September 3, 2010


Happy three day weekend!!!!! For most of you though I'm sure homework will ruin all the fun! How's it going for all you? Today I had my first cross country race... Worst feeling in my while life. It's like your dead tired, nausaous (throwupish)(spelt way wrong), and totally out of breathe. And keep it up for twenty plus minutes. Then you add the worst experience you've had on top of that and it should be about equal. Not really joking. But I did do a lot better than I thought I would. And was a blast(not!) sort of.... It's love and hate. Hope you all have a great weekend. I'm thinking about a short story. Maybe in a week and a half I'll get it to you maybe. Happy weekend.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First day of school!

Well all bad things have to come to an end. SCHOOL STARTED! I forgot how amazing it can be. All my classes are pretty good. We'll see how they work out. I got classes with people I like. Same with lunch. Should be a fun year. Math and science I'm always looking forward too. They are the main "actually learn something" classes. It's also nice because everything is fresh. Though that will soon change I bet.

Anyways so I was doing homework. I <3 homework. As long as it's thinking homework and not just mindless copy this down. And of course listening to my tunes when all of a sudden...... KE$HA came on. Now I like most of her songs. Some a LOT more than others (tik tok, take it off(some what innapropriate) and now Hangover) her song Hangover came on - or was it Hungover?- and I just heard the song two days ago and liked it a lot but when I heard it this time I LOVED IT!! most amazing song I've heard since like end of school! I don't know what it is. It's sort of feel like I relate to it but I don't see how (never been hungover before or partied so...) but it's still seems beyond amazing for me! So I got to share with y'all. VV

I hope that worked... Sorry if it didn't. Hope you liked it. Better than that Brittany spears song stuck in my head. (I don't listen to these artist very much so you know) And I also listened to the iTunes preview of asylum. Sounded alright. The only one that sound like I would like was.... Asylum. Imagine that. Well that's about it for day one of school. I'll keep you posted on events. Good luck to everyone with there school.


Ps. On the little vote thingy. Over there---->------>------>>>>>
It has two votes for stories... Eat type? Made up, real? My life stories...?

Monday, August 30, 2010


I was looking through a list of all the things I have written an stubled upon this. Now I did write this a long while ago but I figured it might offer a few amusments to some. (sry it's long and boringish:)

Once upon a time
There was a pot full of rhyme
Out of this pot came a boy
The first thing he did was get a toy
It was a man holding a lime.

Now this toy, some would say
Was broken and never kept at bay
Being broken as it was
It acted just as a bear does
Stalking it's prey all day.

The man with the lime hatched a plan
One day he hid his possesions in a can
He comprompressed them so it was pure evil.
He then combined it with his army of weasels
He gave one to his master, who's name was Dan.

Once the boy was turned to the dark side.
The man with the like would never again hide
The toy launched his attack against mankind
Never worrying to check behind
He marched ahead, all falling in his stride

But there were those who resisted
Though it was made by china Korea took fame in their stead.
It was made by human but oy by toys could it be destroyed
The toy rescuer came from space on an astroid
As the astroid hit the world shook some said

The toy was made of lead and called the hulk
He gathered resisters and together mad the evil sulk
They lined up against the army of the man with the lime
The battle field was set, rain covering things in slime.
Both side confident with their own bulk

A horn sounded and together they clashed
Blocking with shields and attacking with slashes
Each side suffer equal losses.
Soon everyone was shattered except the commanders.
So it came down to this, the only that lasted

The squared off
Holding their swords aloft
The circled each other
Forgetting all bothers
They would not be soft

They attacked without reserve
And in order to avoid death have to swerve
No one had the upper hand
The only two in the nearby land
It was a battle of nerve

In the end it was good that prevailed
Soon everyone told the tail
The battle of evil and good
Always thankful that the good toy could
This is the reason why china recalled the line of these toys.


Last Day Of Summer!

Today is the last day of my summer!! Yay! On to worthless hours spent doing nothing... But I guess you learn enough.

I figured today I'd post some random pictures for the last day of summer... As celebration I suppose.

Any one excited for halo reach?! Any one heard of Halo reach!? It's only like the most anticipated game ever. Aside from black ops(call of duty).
Well I'll post more about school later!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Isn't the World Awesome?

Isn't the world awesome?! Just a little while ago some scientist went on an expedition and found a possible 10 new species of water critters in deep seas. Now I love water critter (ie what ever hangs out in water) and I'm thinking of maybe marine biology for college, maybe, maybe. Yeah I know I better decide for certain. And deep sea animals always amaze me. They are soo cool! They look incredible and are the most hardy and yet delicate ever. Here are just a few of the pictures they took...

My favorite^^^^^

Most interesting^^^^^^^ said to be able to move by those "legs"

And of course what set of pictures would be complete with out some advertisement of sorts.
^^^^^NIKE! ^^^ looks just like my running shoes. Imagine that. The only thing it's missing is laces.
It was also said that these were all caught around 2,500 meters deep. I believe that's almost 2 miles. A bit shorter maybe. I wish I could be able to swim around that deep.
Like always post comments if you have something to say. If not thanks for reading.

Also side note: it says that Adam named all the animals (right?) if so how would he be able to name tiny and very hard to get to animals like the ones in the pictures above? Am I missing something in later verses?
Ps. Good old night time!
another PS. I'm going to try to be messing around with all the layouts and themes and gadgets and java apps. Please leave your thoughts about it all! Thnx.

Friday, August 27, 2010


is it better or worse with the banner? and are there any helpful gadgets i should put in?

I Am Legend

So I recently watched I Am Legend (I'll call it IAL so it's shorter) it was the third or fourth time and it was still AMAZING!! for those of you who don't know. This is IAM.

With will smith. One of the best actors ever in my opinion. It's where will smith is the last person on earth basically and lives in new York. Hunting, golfing, talking with his maniquin friends and watching shrek. But at night he locks down and sleeps a restless sleep in the bath tub with his trusty M4.
Any ways. It's awesome. Almost as good as book of Eli. There is some talk of christians and of there is a God who let over 2 billion people die. I love how socially deprived will smith is in the movie. And also the ending. So go see it if you havnt. If you have... Watch it again!!!
Now time to watch I robot. Another good will smith movie.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hey so here is a video. I'm not sure how you can make it just like appear in a box, and not just a link so any help would be greatly apprieciated. And I spelt that word WAY wrong. Well here you go


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


So once again it's like almost midnight. I guess I like posting stuff best at this hour. I figured I'd try to post more often now. And also figured I'd post this random picture that I hope will work right here below
Here*ish. V

What do you think? Amazing right?*cough*comment*cough*(that was a hint.) I'll try to get cooler ones but I had this on hand so yeah. Sleep tight
Ps. Thanks for that last great comment BeautyD(alright name???)

Monday, August 23, 2010


Terribly sorry I havnt wrote anything at all recently. Couldn't really think of too much to write but i'm laying in bed and just like whatever. And now in writing! School is starting up. 99% percent of kids are thinking of suicide at the moment. The other percent (ME!) are trying to build a time machine to make it start sooner (hope no one is offended by the suicide(don't do it!) comment) I love school <3. It's just an awesome time. At least for me. I'm mid level. In the society ladder. You know the not rude popular people but not the social outcast. Which means I'm liked by most people. So it's great. It's nice to be with a couple hundred kids every day. Waking up early I don't mind. It's makes the day more productive. Anyways enough about me, but first please leave a comment about what you think of school. And of course if your going to Stanford (like someone.....) you better like school. But don't worry I won't send what you say to the principle- though if cash is involved...

Well here's what I meant to write this about but then I got major side tracked about school. (also I might write way more or way less once school starts. And yes I do realize it's hard to write less than I am.)
Child programming
The more I think about it the more it seems that there really is such a thing. Like you can program a child to be a certain way when he is older. And now your going 'well duh!" but I mean is 'is there really a different personality to every one. God given? Or is it just the personality your experiences and setting gives you? Because I like to think that even if I grew up in west side LA I would still be me. But I don't think I would.. I don't know and I gues there is really no way to know for sure. THOUGHTS?please post them.

Sorry for the totally random placement and tempo of it. I'm kind of like freaking but not, and for no reason at all.. Very weird.
Comment button below...
It's calling your name...
Very loudly...
It's about to hurt my ears...
And give me a head ache...
Look it's even flashing...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Shark week!

Happy shark week everyone.
The most awesome week of the year! Hope y'all are going to enjoy it.

Anyways I'll talk about important stuff now.... Not really

I recently bought 'haste the day-attack of the wolf king'. Very cool album. The overalll theme is nice and kept too. In the album they sing the chorus clearly which I always like. Though their one slow song 'white as snow' I think, was a let down not at all like autumn or labryth. But I like almost all the songs on it. And most of the songs made it into the top 100 metal in iTunes (highest one was 19 I believe)
Anyways if you like Christian metal or like haste the day buy it! Or just listen to them on YouTube forever. Until later, peace.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Once again it's been forever. But I'm here.
I recently watched a movie that had to do with dreams. And was very good. And I just have some things to say about Dreams

Now for this I'm talking about 'real' dreams. Not like my dream is to be president, but like the last night I dreamt I could fly dreams.
First what is a Dream. I think the scientific thing of dreams simplified is the mind storing things and dreams are the result. I've notice it will be the things you don't really think about. Like for a split I will think about flying but for the rest of the day I won't think about it again and then that night I'll be flying and saving some person I barely thought about.
Now I guess that might make sense but I like to think that dreams show us who we are. In dreams we have little control over what 'we' do in them. But that doesn't me 'we' won't do what we would irl. Because of this it can show us what we would do if we had to choose like if we dreamt two people fell off of a skyscraper and you could only save one of them it might tell you which one is more important to you even if consiously we could decide.
I've decide that dreams are propably the coolest experience ever. Now I guess i'm still on the younger side and there are still a lot more experiences out their but still most experiences can be recreated in dreams anyways so that there makes them equal almost. So yeah. Not much but also letting you know I didn't fall off the face of the earth and get imploded by astronomical pressure. (I think that makes sense)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Job 38

Job 38
1 Then Jehovah answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, 2 Who is this that darkeneth counsel By words without knowledge? 3 Gird up now thy loins like a man; For I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me. 4 Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding. 5 Who determined the measures thereof, if thou knowest? Or who stretched the line upon it? 6 Whereupon were the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the corner-stone thereof, 7 When the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for joy?
8 Or who shut up the sea with doors, When it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb; 9 When I made clouds the garment thereof, And thick darkness a swaddling-band for it, 10 And marked out for it my bound, And set bars and doors, 11 And said, Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further; And here shall thy proud waves be stayed?
12 Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days began, And caused the dayspring to know its place; 13 That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, And the wicked be shaken out of it? 14 It is changed as clay under the seal; And all things stand forth as a garment: 15 And from the wicked their light is withholden, And the high arm is broken.
16 Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea? Or hast thou walked in the recesses of the deep? 17 Have the gates of death been revealed unto thee? Or hast thou seen the gates of the shadow of death? 18 Hast thou comprehended the earth in its breadth? Declare, if thou knowest it all.
19 Where is the way to the dwelling of light? And as for darkness, where is the place thereof, 20 That thou shouldest take it to the bound thereof, And that thou shouldest discern the paths to the house thereof? 21 Doubtless, thou knowest, for thou wast then born, And the number of thy days is great! 22 Hast thou entered the treasuries of the snow, Or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, 23 Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, Against the day of battle and war? 24 By what way is the light parted, Or the east wind scattered upon the earth? 25 Who hath cleft a channel for the waterflood, Or the way for the lightning of the thunder; 26 To cause it to rain on a land where no man is; On the wilderness, wherein there is no man; 27 To satisfy the waste and desolate ground, And to cause the tender grass to spring forth? 28 Hath the rain a father? Or who hath begotten the drops of dew? 29 Out of whose womb came the ice? And the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it? 30 The waters hide themselves and become like stone, And the face of the deep is frozen.
31 Canst thou bind the cluster of the Pleiades, Or loose the bands of Orion? 32 Canst thou lead forth the Mazzaroth in their season? Or canst thou guide the Bear with her train? 33 Knowest thou the ordinances of the heavens? Canst thou establish the dominion thereof in the earth?
34 Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, That abundance of waters may cover thee? 35 Canst thou send forth lightnings, that they may go, And say unto thee, Here we are? 36 Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts? Or who hath given understanding to the mind? 37 Who can number the clouds by wisdom? Or who can pour out the bottles of heaven, 38 When the dust runneth into a mass, And the clods cleave fast together?
39 Canst thou hunt the prey for the lioness, Or satisfy the appetite of the young lions, 40 When they couch in their dens, And abide in the covert to lie in wait? 41 Who provideth for the raven his prey, When his young ones cry unto God, And wander for lack of food?

So last week I was at this youth group a different one than I usually go to but it was really boring and one of the people gave a reference to what they were talking about and it was this chapter. I decided that reading would probably be more interesting than listening to them talk about nothing (you know like when people try to get indepth in the bible and they don't really talk about anything that means anything(kind of like this explanation)). So I read it and it was interesting.

I like it how God Belittles job and doesn't stop short. He shows just how small we are compared to him and how wonderous the earth and space is.

I thought Id have more to say but I can't think of anything. So I guess I'm just pointing out a chapter that I liked.


Yeah I said it be last weekend well it was kind of. I wrote it Mon I just forgot to post it and was to busy the yesturday.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tomorrow it will be here. :)

Well hello forum occupants I'm glad to see max put this in is signature! Thanks man!
Any ways hi!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Sorry I havnt posted in a month I've been really busy and when not busy I've been really lazy. But this weekend, it's finally a long one, I'll be sure to write one. I'm thinking it will be about Job but who knows.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Well a couple nights ago I had youth group and the youth pastor was talking about respect and he made it sound like he was saying we should give everyone our respect.

now this is going to be a short one but I think that we should be nice to everyone but our respect should be for those who earn it. Because I'd rather be respected than be.... Whatever. Because respect is somthing that it takes more to get than other things, and because of that is more valuable. If everyone got respect well what would be the point. You know? Anyways what are your thoughts?

Monday, April 19, 2010


So as i'm writing this it's Like 11:00 at night and i'm thinking. Who in the world says to go to sleep at night?

Everything has a start and end.
Days- mornings and nights
Years- jan 1 to the end of Dec.
Life- birth to death.
and what we do with those things are based on the beginings and the ends. New years for instance we only celebrate because technically it's new.
Days- we start by waking up. Breakfast, lunch dinner sleep. And repeat.
I'm mainly talking about days for this.
Our WHOLE society is based on the day timeline. Resturants, either for breakfast or lunch and dinner. Parties, at night usually. School, in the morning almost every day.

Now let's say that all this is because of "the man" (for those of you who don't know who "the man" is watch school of rock) "the man" wants us to be repeatative. He's the one who tells us to go to sleep at night and restart every morning.

So i'm really just thinking what would it be like if we had "days" lasting three tradition days(72 hr). It would change the world.
One. We would have basically 3 versions for every main meal. A breakfast breakfast. A lunch breakfast. And a dinner breakfast. And that repeating for everyone.
We could have one 13 hour block of sleeping at every "day" interval. And three 5 hour naps spaced in between.
Because of a longer period of not resetting like we do every morning, people would get more work done. More advancements would be made with night and everything associated because of more time awake in it.

And because of this Garfield and a million more others will no longer be able to hate Mondays.

Really I was just thinking about how different everything would be and what life would be like. If it would be better or worse or just different. I'd like to hear what you all think so please comment.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Music Videos

heres some of my favorite music videos:
Oh, Sleeper New Breed
Oh, sleeper Vices Like Vipers (i dont really like the music video though)
As cities Burn- Into the Sea
Haste the day- Breaking my heart (i only like the endish)
And of course what list wouldnt be complete with out a Miley Cyrus song so

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Happy Easter!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I havnt posted for a while. I'll try to get a longer one on here soon.
Hope it was good for y'all.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


He took what was precious to me. The only thing precious to me. He did it in a second and with out a second thought.
My actions are justified!
He knew what he was doing, what he was taking. He didn't care. I warned him. He took no heed. He carried it out with out sympathy. No regret, no remorse. He took it. My actions are justified!
I looked in his eyes. I saw the fear. Oh what fear! I made him see what his actions had made happen. I made him look. I opened his eyes. My actions are justified!
Even after seeing it made him no different. Still no regret. I made him feel my pain. The more I gave the more I freed myself of it. He would pay.

Oh what fear there was. Hands shaking. Not daring to meet my eyes.
I held the gun, not the back of his head but to the front, so he could see what my intentions were. So he could feel what she felt. He cried out. I made my ears deaf to all. He had no care. I tightened my grip. The shell fell to the ground. Revenge. Oh what revenge, what justice. He took away what was precious to me so I took away what was precious to him.

Monday, March 22, 2010


So today my mom said something that made me think. We were at our neighbors and there were these really nice flowers and she said "it's hard to believe they are real"
Well it's just that about 100 years ago people would be saying, "it's so awesome it has to be real!"
And that made me think. Our world has made everything that is something special and turned it not so special. Like flowers. There are a lot of them that are awesome and the factory people realize that so they make fake ones and soon the flower isn't as cool because you can see it all year long as a fake.
Same princible for a lot of things as well though some different outcomes.
Cell phones. Almost everyone has one(mostly) and they used to be cool and new but now they've made thousands and thousands. With new ones coming out everyweek. Not that I am at all a 'green person(go recylcle type)' but still that is a lot of trash just for cell phones. And some people get a new one every three months just for kicks. Now I understand that people are just trying to make money but still.

Another thing is movies. Some people need to tell them that half the movies they are making are pieces of junk. "oh just put an explosion there and the veiwers will love it" seems to be the new movie making motto.

They (society) have cheapened several things the same.
Love. It's all about that one thing. (you know, the ONE thing) if you have that one thing everything works and that that is the deffinition of love.

Friendship. I think that friendship is also cheapened. Friends today get along with just texting each other. Saying what's up, And then saying "nothing. Friendship is the strongest love I think. There is the marrige type love but that is based on looks as a percentage where as pure friendship has nothing to do with looks. True friend ship is true sacrifice.

Please comment on anything.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Some one kill me now I think I'm in love!
As a very popular person one asked cleverly "What is love?"- haddaway or whoever. You know the rapper dance person. Well what is love. I hears some one once define true love as 'do the absolute best for another person at all times' meaning you do whatever is best for them at all times. I disagree with that because that could be saying God doesn't love us because if we were going by what is best for us wouldn't he make us uncapable of sin? I don't think love is something you can put a deffinition on because there are so many variation and for each person it's different.
Love is the one reason that makes life worth living. Whether it's full blown marrige love or just friend or family love. If you have nothing but love you have all you need. Everyone will fall in love with some one or have a cruch on some one it's human nature. For the few weeks you are in love with that person I think the word is; obssesion. Every thought and every act is based on that person. You can change your entire outward appearance just for love. And after awhile your innerself. For that reason love can make the most change in a person. It amuses me how the world characterizes love now days. Songs like 'Low' and 'right round' and almost any rap song says it's all physical and is based on looks. Good luck to them. There should be some physical attraction don't get me wrong but that shouldn't be the first and only requirement for 'love' or when looking for a girl friend or boy friend.

Now for the keys to reallity side of it. Love is in all of our choices. You'll do this because you love it. Or won't do that because you love this or will always listen to this person. Love keeps up wanting to be here. Without it life would be bland and boring. Love gives sacrifice meaning and gives it cause. Worlds rise and fall because of love. People die and truly live because of love.
Some are wasted away.
Love is something few can do justice in trying to explain or express it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Music video

Here's a video. I liked it. It's on YouTube though. I know somepeople arnt allowed on it.
And sorry for not just making a single button or some reason making a link to something isn't working at all.

Demon Hunter " THE WORLD IS A THORN"

Well I am now owner of TWiaT demon hunter delux album. I looked at iTunes store a little before midnight and it was already released( before opening day) (wow ive never heard of eastern time before) but I was way to tired, not that I didn't really want to listen to it. But as soon as I woke up I bought it and listened to it. I was dissapointed the the delux version was the only one of the covers that I have that Doesnt have the logo trademark thing on it. Sadface. Also because the regular album cover is amazing. -there's a full review done excelently a full review. I'll just make a list of my top three fav songs.
1. Lifewar. Most deffinatly my fav more hard beat with the drums and stuff song. It's perfect. And catchy as I heard someone else say
2. Collapsing. This one is my fav of the whole album. This was the first song I heard of the album because that was released a couple weeks ago. I was hoping the whole ablum would be as good. And was disappointed but o well.
3. Driving nails (NOT THE STRINGS VERSION) I ha... I mean dislike the strings version. So far. It's way to just one line at a time and doesn't flow to well I think. But the normal song is great. Though I have trouble hearing the persons voice above the instruments in the begining It's too quiet. Same with blood in tears or whatever.
4. I said three I meant 4. Blood in tears. It's great. Though same problem as number three except more so . Too quiet vocals.
Well there my opinion.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


So I just realized how long it has been since I last posted sorry for that. I'm not really going to say anything for this post just saying I'm still here and when I'm granted the time I'll actually post something.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Short story

Hi y'all yeah um sry I double posted kind of. So please comment on the below post.

Short story

Ok so taking a break and here's a short story. Now I don't mean this to have any conection to the Bible or anything of that sorts. Just a story. I wrote this in like an hour, idea and all so it's very rough and the such. This is also mine please don't copy it. Wouldn't want to need to do anything unpleasant.

I held the fate of this world in my hands. I had the choice to save it or let it be destroyed. I watched it as this world fell to pieces, all because of me. This journal is the story of me and the fall of this world, earth.
Who am I? My name is Xavior Mark. What am I? Even I could not tell you.
The year is 2080. Advacements in science have far surpassed the balance of knowledge and wisdom. The human race was destroying them self and not even aware of it. All their eyes set on gaining scientific knowledge. They were all obsessed with knowing everything. It stopped being 'knowing how to live' and turned to 'live to know more'
It was only a matter of time.
I'm am ashamed to say I was exactly like them, in fact I was them. Back then I was human. Lived in New York city, the palace of power. You need to take a test to even be allowed into the place. I worked there along with my five brothers. We all worked in the army department. Science was the only important thing. Making science enhanced soldiers was the other big thing. Faster, stronger, farther, larger, that was the direction every one was going. Who ever reached te end first could control the world. We wanted it more than anything. We were on the edge of getting their. We only needed volunteers, but we were met with nothing, no one wanted to. No one wanted to risk it. We knew there was risk. We thought it was small enough. It wasn't.
With no one signing up me and my brothers did the only thing we could. We tried it on ourselves. Strapped each other up. Trained people how to opperate the systems. How to keep us safe. If only we taught them how to keep them safe.
We thought the experiment went with out error. We were under for a day, like expected and awake and feeling normal the next. We were normal for a week, every day testing if anything changed. Nothing. After a week though it was Terrible. It was 10 days later from the experiment. We all woke up with kiling headaches. We tried everything but they would not go away. We thought thay would drive us to madness. But after a day and a half it stopped. What relieve I tell you. Complete silence. We thought that was it. That it was over. It wasn't. A Fay after the headaches had stopped pain, like you have never felt before. Every bone, every muscle, every cell in our body was fire. Again we thought we would go mad. But again this stopped after a day. We did not realize it then but we were already on our way. Our reflexes were getting faster. We were getting stronger. Then one night we went to sleep. What happened them no one knows. Nobody ever woke up or felt anything, nor did they dream anything. We woke up and all felt fine but then we looked in to the mirror.
I could not say what I had become. I still had reginizabke features. Eyes, though they were now a sold red and black swirl, a mouth that was larger and had scars around the outside as if I had bitten myself several times. And hair though it wasn't near to being human hair. It was a blackish blue color. And every strand seemed to be as hard as steel. My hair covered my face partialy. Hiding one side of it. Besides those appearences, everything else was different. Me neck was almost non excistant as my head hit my shoulders if I tilted it. My ears were small and closer to my head and was pointed at many points instead of rounded. My whole body was about two feet taller making me eight feet tall instead of six feet. My legs and arms were thick and muscular. My chest as big as a barrel. My hand were also larger peportionaly than they were before. I could cover my entire face with them. My finger nail were sticking out an inch or so and were as hard as bone and coming to a sharp point. This was what I was from then on. I then turned around to examine the back side of me. I never had dreamed, Wings. No not angel wings all white and feathery. Black and purple thin skin like wings. I serched my mind for the muscles to control them and soon found them. I outstretched them. 16 feet across, about five feet height. No longer human and with out classification. All my brothers were the same as me. We kept our self hidden for a day and talked amoungst each other as to what to do. No one had a clue. No one would know who we were and would lock us up before we said anything. We soon found out that our strength was to great for anything in the humans world. Bed would be crushed by our weight. Doors to fragile. Floors too thin. We were already outcasts.
We soon grew tired of hiding we made calls to people and told them of our plight. They were not considerate. "come in and we'll prefrm some test and see if we can help" they do not want to help they want to know. We decided that no longer would we hide if we stuck together we would survive no matter what. We would find some way of being normal. We escaped our hiding place and showed us to the world. We knew at once we were not welcome. We were flying out of New York and at once we were opposed moch one jets. Attacked us with tranquilizers. We were all hit several times but they had no effect. Whether we were to strong or to big or our skin to thick we did not know. But we did know we were safe from it. We landed out side New York and again we were attacked. Tanks and infintry. We again tried to get away. We were all hit with missles and pelted with machine gun fire but we realized the bullets were bouncing off us and the missles only causing momentary pain for after they hit we were already healed.
My brothers warned the humans that if they continued to fight us we would begin to fight them. They did not heed the warning. They began fighting us harder and harder, and with that my brothers fought harder and harder. So far nothing could do more than scratch us. We headed to the high mountains in the west of north america hoping to find some quiet. It was not there.
It seems that the world grew a new obbsession that year, us. Every country fought us. We moved from place to place. I tried to avoid blood shed when possible but my brothers were the opposite. They fought everyone, at any time. We did not need sleep anymore. We almost did not even need food or drink. Though we were all this we were not invincible.

It was in alaska. We were about to fly back to california since Alaska was getting to crouded with army infantry. We flew between two giant mountain peaks and were then resting by a stream filled with salmon. We had not had rest or food for nearly two weeks ad would need it for the fly back.
After ten minutes, they were upon us. 50 pound shells showered down on us we blocked all of them from hitting our faces which were our weakest point, and took most of the force with our arms. They healed in a matter of seconds. But out of the bushes surrounding us came both tanks and infantry. The hammered us. All of us were getting hit in the back, then the front, then the side. We jumped towards them attacking them with our hands and bodies. Any thing that would do the job. For the longest time they seemed to keep coming and I soon noticed that my injuries were taking longer and longer to heal. I was just about to fly away when I saw that they were thining in ranks. Soon no more soldiers were taking there fallen comrades spot. In a minute more they were gone. The river was then red with far more than just salmon. I looked around, everyone accounted for. But one of my brothers was sitting down. One of his wings cut in half near where it was connected to his back. Very slowly I could see it begining to close to gap but then somthing bothered me. Along with all of the other physical enhacements we all had enhanced hearing. This is why we did not expect the people in the bushes. They must have made a sound barrier. The sound I now heard was a low whistleing. Not the high pitched kind of a regular missle but a lower pitch of something bigger. My brothers had heard it to. We all looked to the skies. There it was. A huge missle with a radio active sign on the side. It was traveling close to speed of sound and we only had several seconds to get out of there before it was to late for we have never gone up against somthing of this sort. We launched into the air and flew off as fast as we could. The missle followed us gaining speed, trackng our heat. We went even faster than before. We were almost at the same speed as the rocket but my brother , the one with the injured wing, could not keep up. He yelled for us to go and keep going and that he would deal with the rocket. We figured he had a plan. Or at least a plan that didn't involve any sacrifice for that was not like him. We all watched him as he stopped moving he busted hovvered there slowing flapping his wings looking at us. The missle was getting closer. He smiled, the first and last smile I have seen since this whole thing started. The missle collided. A huge shockwave flew out and knocked us to the forest floor. As soon as we recovered we flew back up to see if he had made it. Nothing but a radioactive death zone for miles around. We knee it would be dangerous to stay around so we left.
That was the begining of the end. One by one my brothers fell. Led into traps by their lust for revenge. Soon. There was only two of us. The human considered themselfs master of hunting us. They did not realize they had already began destroying their world. All the radioactivity was destroy everything. Right then I had the choice. I could leave earth forever and my brother would have to follow or stay and watch as the world crumbled. I could not bring my self to leave my fallen brothers. I would not avenge them because that would harm the world even more. The humans fired a nuke at every flying thing they saw almost. We lived in antartica at the time. Bearing the cold and wind. We were desperate for a life of being normal. We regretted every move we had done since we were born.
My brother was getting more and more angry at the world, who could blame him. I left for a day for some hunting of some game and when I returned I did not find him. I tracked him and found him back at New York. Going on a rampage. They could not fire a nuke there for it would kill everything. But he was there for four days. Attacking anything and everything. They evacuated the city as best they could in a day and fired one in. My brother knee this would happen but he did not care he wanted to die, everyone was against him.
With that I am the last one. I stayed hidden for years but soon the effects of the nukes took over everything. World wide famine. Death everywhere. Trees died never to come back. Oxygen was almost deadly. I did nor care for I did not need oxygen. It was then that i decided to leave. I ate as much as I could an made my self sleep for the first time in years. I would need the strength. I flew off. It took me a day to reach the moon of earth. From there I looked down in the earth. It was no longer green and blue but gray and orange. The coldness in space is nothing i have ever known. It sucks the strength out of you. But I did not die. I flew and flew and flew. From galaxy to galaxy. I thoughtbalmost nothing fr there was nothing to think about. I was the onlly one left. I have been flying for 100 years. I know I am not immortal but I am far from mortal. I am searching for a world to live. With people to talk to. Someplace I am accepted. There i will live and be happy. If anyone is reading this, this is my story. Do not let knowledge overweight wisdom.

Now here comes your part. COMMENT!!!! please tell me what you though. A+, A, B, B-..... Good? Bad? Or ugly?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I'm very on the edge on whether to do pleasure. I just don't know what I would write or anything so that will be one of the far later ones.
Now We are on HATE. Mind numbing, concience ripping hate. Hate so powerful it can do almost anything. Hate that could and will some day destroy the world. It all started with hate. Stupid lucifer. He just had to go and screw things up. Anyways hate is something that influences every desicion you make. If you hate some one usually you are going to act like you hate them. It can just take over. Then you are no longer the driver of your actions, just the passenger. Not that hate is unavoidable.
"Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?"
(Matthew 5:43-47). I know that almost all of you have most likely heard this verse but it's one that is informative. We should love everyone. And everyone says that but many people actually do? I know I despise( I don't know how close that is to hate and what your deffinition is) but I despise a lot of people just because they are complete morons. They really don't care at all. All they do is flirt with girls, cuss, and make fun of EVERYONE. In that order though cussing is very close to first (i don't agree with cussing so you know. I'm not so sure it's a sin but it's just not something good to do) now I suppose I should love these people but what is their to love?! Jk yes I suppose they are all unique but still. You know? Hate is deffined as
a. To feel hostility or animosity toward." and most people get it and understand it. Some people describe it as a cancer and it slowly eats away at who we are and who we can be. In a quote by martin Luther " Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illumines it "
--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Once again it's a love hate thing.

psalm 34:21 "Evil shall slay the wicked; And they that HATE the righteous shall be condemned." once again saying that it is bad to hate and what the consequences might be.

Psalm 97:10 "O ye that love Jehovah, hate evil: He preserveth the souls of his saints; He delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked." now in This verse it says hate evil. At first I was like I though we weren't supposed to hate but then I thought and figured. It's okay to hate how things are and why they are. It's hating people that we arnt supposed to. Now that leads to why are people different than things. Because some people act like inanimate objects sometimes. I figured it's because since we are made in Gods image we are really hating a part of God. And here's a verse that supports that claim sort of.
"if a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? "
--1 John 4:20
Other verses that have to do with Hate-----
"He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now. He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him."
--1 John 2:9,10
"Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him."
--1 John 3:15

"The fear of Jehovah is to hate evil: Pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, And the perverse mouth, do I hate."
Proverbs 8:13

Now I will apologize for my lack of planning I felt like I skipped around and I will try to fix that with the next one. ONCE AGAIN COMMENT!!! that let's me know if what i'm writing is good or if I should write about something else or quit writing. Please give input. THANKS FOR READING. And if you enjoyed this please show your friends and tell them about it.


Well here it is the first part of 4 in the 'keys to reality' series. If I feel like doing them all. I decided to do pain first because it is one I actually know some what how to do. And because I'm saving love for the last one so I can go out with a *Bang*. Back on subject.
Pain. It is what holds this world together. With out it eveything would be for nothing. All goals seem childish and pointless. Pain, the best worst thing ever. Bad enough to block out anything. Body paralizing pain, enough to make you go insane. Enough to make you wish you were crazy. We all hate it but we have to love it. Pain give life meaning. With it we have sacrifice, betrayal, hate, and others that characterize what we are or can be as humans. Because of pain we are all placed in catagories. The strong, the couragous, the weak, the cowards, and the normals. We strive to be known as strong and wonder how we can become so.
JOB 6:10 "And be it still my consolation, Yea, let me exult in pain that spareth not, That I have not denied the words of the Holy One."
It says that even in pain we should not waver before God and praise him no matter what we are going through.

Psalm 38;5 "My wounds are loathsome and corrupt, Because of my foolishness. 6 I am pained and bowed down greatly; I go mourning all the day long." in context of this verse they say how their burdens are to heavy and that is why we(or the person speaking above) have 'wounds.' It's talking about how if we try to go on alone under our own power we will only end up with pain and sorrow. I'm not sure what they mean by saying "bowed down greatly," I would say bowing down to God but then why would he be mourning all day.
Wait! scratch that. I looked at several different versions of the verse and it seems like it means he is brought down because of the weight of his pain.

Psalm 116:1 "I love Jehovah, because he heareth My voice and my supplications. 2 Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, Therefore will I call upon him as long as I live. 3 The cords of death compassed me, And the pains of Sheol gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow. 4 Then called I upon the name of Jehovah: O Jehovah, I beseech thee, deliver my soul. 5 Gracious is Jehovah, and righteous; Yea, our God is merciful. 6 Jehovah preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he saved me.
it's seems that many times sorrow comes right along with pain. Though I don't think they are talking about "ow I just roadrashed my knee. I'm going to die" type of pain but more as a spiritual and mental pain. But a time when pain may not come with sorrow might be sacrifice. "no greater love than this, that one may lay down is life for another" (not exact wording) (John 15:16 I think. Around there) other than that I can't find any other verse sorry.

So there's the first part. It didn't flow as smoothly as I had hoped. I think I jumped around randomly but... so please tell me what you thought. EVERYONE TELL ME WHAT YOU THOUGHT. Say what was weird confusing good bad ugly. Expecially tell me what you didnt get or did get. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Keys To Reality

~Keys to Reality~
So I don't know anyones view on this and havn't explained this to anyone so it may be.... Different. I'm not saying this is for real just something to think about. I believe there are 3 'Keys to Reality.' or three things that hold this world together. The three are LOVE, HATE, and PAIN. All are neccessary to this reality. They are what makes us decide goals, dreams, take risks, be cautious, be courageous, be cowards. They are the 3 blocks of the foundation of a humans concience. And on top of them we build all other feelings, some are a mixture of two (such as revenge-- Hate + Love) and some are abstract of them. (pain----discomfort, or disgust (disgust could be hate also)

Though I listed 3 some could say that there are four being how everything has an opposite. Opposite of pain being PLEASURE. I didn't state this one because we are not meant to pursue it like we are love.-- Proverbs 21:17 "HE that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: He that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich"
I'm not saying we should pursue Pain or Hate. I'm saying that as a good thing it is easy to pursue but there are much more important issues to pursue. Such as staying away from pain and hate. We are told to love throughout the bible "...Love your neighbor..." and in Psalm 91:14 "BECAUSE he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name."
This is mainly just an overview. I'll go into each one separatly and hopefully you will see exactly what I'm trying to say.

The 'Keys to Reality' are what keeps us in check. Makes us not go crazy or have as many mainiacs like hitler. They could be stated as the main ingriedients to humans. Hope this all made a fraction of sense to you.
P.S- For those of you wondering the version of bible I'm using is an America Standard Version. From what Ive noticed it's close to King James Version. And again comment comment comment!
Thanks for reading!

Friday, February 12, 2010


Some of you may have known this some of you may have not. In the Bible it says that wisdom is basicly the most important thing you can get on earth. We are told not to seek fame, riches, even respect. No we are told to find wisdom. Proverbs 3: 14 "For the gaining of it is better than the gaining of silver, And the profit thereof than fine gold."-talking about finding wisdom. And only once we have found wisdom will knowledge have a great purpose in our life. "The fear of Jehovah is the begining of knowledge..." - Proverbs 1:7 In 1 kings 3:19. King Solomon asks God 9 ''Give thy servant therefore an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and evil; for who is able to judge this thy great people?." Understanding is essentialy the same as wisdom and in the book of proverbs it is a reaccuring theme, being how they are the Proverbs of King Solomon. Prov. 2:10 "For wisdom shall enter into the heart, And knowledge shall be pleasant unto thy soul;" and Prov. 3:13 "Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, And the man that getteth understanding."
As I was reading about this I came across verse 18 in Ecclesiastes 1 saying- "For in much wisdom is much grief; and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow" Now I had no clue what this meant so i looked for more about it and after reading the full chapter I think he(it appears that this is written by soloman after he is king) is talking about with wisdom you see how evil this world is. and all the evil. and by seeing all this it makes you in a sense sad or in grief. But there is no other good choice because being in ignorance is foolish and you may be in more grief that way than the other.

Here are some more verses that have to do with wisdom----------
Ecclesiastes 7:12 For wisdom is a defense, even as money is a defence; but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom preserveth the life of him that hath it.
1 Corinthians :21 For seeing that in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom knew not God, it was God’s good pleasure through the foolishness of the preaching to save them that believe

again please comment. what you like, dont like.....

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rules(1st post)

Ok so this is my first blog so it might take me a while to make everything work. So I have a few rules that I would be pleased if you followed. 
1. I'm a Christian and I don't want anyone to slander them or anything disrespectful. You can debate things but don't say like "Christians suck" and then never say anything else.
2. No cussing please
3. Comment, Comment, Comment. You read, you comment. Please.

Also even if you dont like it show this to people who even just Might like it. Please and thank you