Monday, September 6, 2010


So a couple of days this happened and I kind of forgot about it but then it popped into my mind and i don't know . It stuck out I suppose. It was in my Spanish class and we answered some questions -in spanish- and the teacher was choosing people to read their answers.
Now in our class we have a ... Mentally challenged..? Person. I'm not sure what is.. Different with him. But you can tell he is. Anyways (no offense meant to anyone) the teacher randomly picked a name and it was his so he slowly and hesitantly stumbled through his answer and at the end the teacher said "Bueno (good (I think)) " and the class applauded -like we usually do- and you could tell by his reaction/expression/ and demeanor that he was like totally happy or pridefull of his answer. Completely and utterly happy. His smile said that with out doubt and I have to say that is the happiest I have seen anyone one in a long time! It's seemed like pure joy.
Now I don't know anything about the person or if that even was truly a smile of happiness (but it certainly looked like one) but what I do know is that his smile looked twice as happy as anyone elses and he might hav half of what most kids do to look forward to.
The kids who are popular and smart and have everything going for them seems happy (occasionally) and smile every now and then but still. But if they would be as happy as him for small stuff like having the class aplaud you for giving a short answer imagine how happy they would be when say they won a championship or got to go to Disney land/World. Imagine how your life would be then????

Well just something that made me think a little. No disrespect to any one... Different. Hope you understood it. Please comment. If your new please say how you found my blog. Hasta la viesta and see you later! Have a good start to the school week!!!


1 comment:

beautifuldisastre said...

I totally know what you mean! Sometimes people who either have fewer opportunities to be happy or are just more enthusiastic about life seem so much happier than those of us who have a million things to be happy about but can't stop complaining. It can be quite eye-opening and inspiring. Good story, and I don't think you'll offend anyone with that :).