Saturday, August 28, 2010

Isn't the World Awesome?

Isn't the world awesome?! Just a little while ago some scientist went on an expedition and found a possible 10 new species of water critters in deep seas. Now I love water critter (ie what ever hangs out in water) and I'm thinking of maybe marine biology for college, maybe, maybe. Yeah I know I better decide for certain. And deep sea animals always amaze me. They are soo cool! They look incredible and are the most hardy and yet delicate ever. Here are just a few of the pictures they took...

My favorite^^^^^

Most interesting^^^^^^^ said to be able to move by those "legs"

And of course what set of pictures would be complete with out some advertisement of sorts.
^^^^^NIKE! ^^^ looks just like my running shoes. Imagine that. The only thing it's missing is laces.
It was also said that these were all caught around 2,500 meters deep. I believe that's almost 2 miles. A bit shorter maybe. I wish I could be able to swim around that deep.
Like always post comments if you have something to say. If not thanks for reading.

Also side note: it says that Adam named all the animals (right?) if so how would he be able to name tiny and very hard to get to animals like the ones in the pictures above? Am I missing something in later verses?
Ps. Good old night time!
another PS. I'm going to try to be messing around with all the layouts and themes and gadgets and java apps. Please leave your thoughts about it all! Thnx.


Maggie said...

Here's the bit about naming the animals.

"19 Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field."

No fishies. LOL--love these pics, btw.
(Oh, and I found your blog from Max)

Vincent Valentine said...

Much thanks to you!!!
And thanks for following and commenting!!!!
I'll be sure to tell max thanks!
Please enjoy the blog