Monday, August 30, 2010

Last Day Of Summer!

Today is the last day of my summer!! Yay! On to worthless hours spent doing nothing... But I guess you learn enough.

I figured today I'd post some random pictures for the last day of summer... As celebration I suppose.

Any one excited for halo reach?! Any one heard of Halo reach!? It's only like the most anticipated game ever. Aside from black ops(call of duty).
Well I'll post more about school later!


beautifuldisastre said...

Good luck on your first day of school tomorrow! I think you're going to be a SEN11OR, right? I'm up doing HW, taking a break to read the Bible, but yeah...late start.

Vincent Valentine said...

Uh I don't think I'll post my grade but let's just say I'm not

beautifuldisastre said...

Oh worries, totally understandable. I sort of gave myself away by talking about college apps so I stopped trying to hide my age. Anyway, I totally respect that. Hope you had a good first day nonetheless.