Monday, August 23, 2010


Terribly sorry I havnt wrote anything at all recently. Couldn't really think of too much to write but i'm laying in bed and just like whatever. And now in writing! School is starting up. 99% percent of kids are thinking of suicide at the moment. The other percent (ME!) are trying to build a time machine to make it start sooner (hope no one is offended by the suicide(don't do it!) comment) I love school <3. It's just an awesome time. At least for me. I'm mid level. In the society ladder. You know the not rude popular people but not the social outcast. Which means I'm liked by most people. So it's great. It's nice to be with a couple hundred kids every day. Waking up early I don't mind. It's makes the day more productive. Anyways enough about me, but first please leave a comment about what you think of school. And of course if your going to Stanford (like someone.....) you better like school. But don't worry I won't send what you say to the principle- though if cash is involved...

Well here's what I meant to write this about but then I got major side tracked about school. (also I might write way more or way less once school starts. And yes I do realize it's hard to write less than I am.)
Child programming
The more I think about it the more it seems that there really is such a thing. Like you can program a child to be a certain way when he is older. And now your going 'well duh!" but I mean is 'is there really a different personality to every one. God given? Or is it just the personality your experiences and setting gives you? Because I like to think that even if I grew up in west side LA I would still be me. But I don't think I would.. I don't know and I gues there is really no way to know for sure. THOUGHTS?please post them.

Sorry for the totally random placement and tempo of it. I'm kind of like freaking but not, and for no reason at all.. Very weird.
Comment button below...
It's calling your name...
Very loudly...
It's about to hurt my ears...
And give me a head ache...
Look it's even flashing...

1 comment:

beautifuldisastre said...

Haha, thanks for that ;). And by the way, I was at Stanford for Summer College and PRAY I'll get in as an undergrad, but I'm still at Harker for my SEN11OR year. Anyway, I love school, too. I was a bit nervous about starting school because, as you might know from past posts, I read my summer reading very...errr, last minute, so I was panicking about THAT. Now that it's started, though, I love my classes, it's good to be back with my friends, and I know I'm going to learn a lot in the classroom and from the college app process.

As far as what you said about personality, the way I see it, your environment very heavily shapes your personality. God has a purpose for everyone, but He will shape your personality in a different way. He changes you to be more like Him. He loves you every step of the way, but He doesn't intend to keep you static. I think we're all products of our environments and our circumstances. How you're raised plays a huge role in who you become, for SURE!