Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First day of school!

Well all bad things have to come to an end. SCHOOL STARTED! I forgot how amazing it can be. All my classes are pretty good. We'll see how they work out. I got classes with people I like. Same with lunch. Should be a fun year. Math and science I'm always looking forward too. They are the main "actually learn something" classes. It's also nice because everything is fresh. Though that will soon change I bet.

Anyways so I was doing homework. I <3 homework. As long as it's thinking homework and not just mindless copy this down. And of course listening to my tunes when all of a sudden...... KE$HA came on. Now I like most of her songs. Some a LOT more than others (tik tok, take it off(some what innapropriate) and now Hangover) her song Hangover came on - or was it Hungover?- and I just heard the song two days ago and liked it a lot but when I heard it this time I LOVED IT!! most amazing song I've heard since like end of school! I don't know what it is. It's sort of feel like I relate to it but I don't see how (never been hungover before or partied so...) but it's still seems beyond amazing for me! So I got to share with y'all. VV

I hope that worked... Sorry if it didn't. Hope you liked it. Better than that Brittany spears song stuck in my head. (I don't listen to these artist very much so you know) And I also listened to the iTunes preview of asylum. Sounded alright. The only one that sound like I would like was.... Asylum. Imagine that. Well that's about it for day one of school. I'll keep you posted on events. Good luck to everyone with there school.


Ps. On the little vote thingy. Over there---->------>------>>>>>
It has two votes for stories... Eat type? Made up, real? My life stories...?


beautifuldisastre said...

Yes, the movie worked, but it's skewed to the side slightly (I mean, it's just the lyrics, and the sound quality's fine, so it doesn't matter all that much). And ummmm, idk about the stories... I really liked the fiction one you posted like a LONG time ago. Your life stories sound cool too, though. Either way!

Vincent Valentine said...

I'LL try to work on a fiction one but it might be a while
second day of school was pretty much the same... I'll try to post a full one tomorrow.