Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First day of school!

Well all bad things have to come to an end. SCHOOL STARTED! I forgot how amazing it can be. All my classes are pretty good. We'll see how they work out. I got classes with people I like. Same with lunch. Should be a fun year. Math and science I'm always looking forward too. They are the main "actually learn something" classes. It's also nice because everything is fresh. Though that will soon change I bet.

Anyways so I was doing homework. I <3 homework. As long as it's thinking homework and not just mindless copy this down. And of course listening to my tunes when all of a sudden...... KE$HA came on. Now I like most of her songs. Some a LOT more than others (tik tok, take it off(some what innapropriate) and now Hangover) her song Hangover came on - or was it Hungover?- and I just heard the song two days ago and liked it a lot but when I heard it this time I LOVED IT!! most amazing song I've heard since like end of school! I don't know what it is. It's sort of feel like I relate to it but I don't see how (never been hungover before or partied so...) but it's still seems beyond amazing for me! So I got to share with y'all. VV

I hope that worked... Sorry if it didn't. Hope you liked it. Better than that Brittany spears song stuck in my head. (I don't listen to these artist very much so you know) And I also listened to the iTunes preview of asylum. Sounded alright. The only one that sound like I would like was.... Asylum. Imagine that. Well that's about it for day one of school. I'll keep you posted on events. Good luck to everyone with there school.


Ps. On the little vote thingy. Over there---->------>------>>>>>
It has two votes for stories... Eat type? Made up, real? My life stories...?

Monday, August 30, 2010


I was looking through a list of all the things I have written an stubled upon this. Now I did write this a long while ago but I figured it might offer a few amusments to some. (sry it's long and boringish:)

Once upon a time
There was a pot full of rhyme
Out of this pot came a boy
The first thing he did was get a toy
It was a man holding a lime.

Now this toy, some would say
Was broken and never kept at bay
Being broken as it was
It acted just as a bear does
Stalking it's prey all day.

The man with the lime hatched a plan
One day he hid his possesions in a can
He comprompressed them so it was pure evil.
He then combined it with his army of weasels
He gave one to his master, who's name was Dan.

Once the boy was turned to the dark side.
The man with the like would never again hide
The toy launched his attack against mankind
Never worrying to check behind
He marched ahead, all falling in his stride

But there were those who resisted
Though it was made by china Korea took fame in their stead.
It was made by human but oy by toys could it be destroyed
The toy rescuer came from space on an astroid
As the astroid hit the world shook some said

The toy was made of lead and called the hulk
He gathered resisters and together mad the evil sulk
They lined up against the army of the man with the lime
The battle field was set, rain covering things in slime.
Both side confident with their own bulk

A horn sounded and together they clashed
Blocking with shields and attacking with slashes
Each side suffer equal losses.
Soon everyone was shattered except the commanders.
So it came down to this, the only that lasted

The squared off
Holding their swords aloft
The circled each other
Forgetting all bothers
They would not be soft

They attacked without reserve
And in order to avoid death have to swerve
No one had the upper hand
The only two in the nearby land
It was a battle of nerve

In the end it was good that prevailed
Soon everyone told the tail
The battle of evil and good
Always thankful that the good toy could
This is the reason why china recalled the line of these toys.


Last Day Of Summer!

Today is the last day of my summer!! Yay! On to worthless hours spent doing nothing... But I guess you learn enough.

I figured today I'd post some random pictures for the last day of summer... As celebration I suppose.

Any one excited for halo reach?! Any one heard of Halo reach!? It's only like the most anticipated game ever. Aside from black ops(call of duty).
Well I'll post more about school later!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Isn't the World Awesome?

Isn't the world awesome?! Just a little while ago some scientist went on an expedition and found a possible 10 new species of water critters in deep seas. Now I love water critter (ie what ever hangs out in water) and I'm thinking of maybe marine biology for college, maybe, maybe. Yeah I know I better decide for certain. And deep sea animals always amaze me. They are soo cool! They look incredible and are the most hardy and yet delicate ever. Here are just a few of the pictures they took...

My favorite^^^^^

Most interesting^^^^^^^ said to be able to move by those "legs"

And of course what set of pictures would be complete with out some advertisement of sorts.
^^^^^NIKE! ^^^ looks just like my running shoes. Imagine that. The only thing it's missing is laces.
It was also said that these were all caught around 2,500 meters deep. I believe that's almost 2 miles. A bit shorter maybe. I wish I could be able to swim around that deep.
Like always post comments if you have something to say. If not thanks for reading.

Also side note: it says that Adam named all the animals (right?) if so how would he be able to name tiny and very hard to get to animals like the ones in the pictures above? Am I missing something in later verses?
Ps. Good old night time!
another PS. I'm going to try to be messing around with all the layouts and themes and gadgets and java apps. Please leave your thoughts about it all! Thnx.

Friday, August 27, 2010


is it better or worse with the banner? and are there any helpful gadgets i should put in?

I Am Legend

So I recently watched I Am Legend (I'll call it IAL so it's shorter) it was the third or fourth time and it was still AMAZING!! for those of you who don't know. This is IAM.

With will smith. One of the best actors ever in my opinion. It's where will smith is the last person on earth basically and lives in new York. Hunting, golfing, talking with his maniquin friends and watching shrek. But at night he locks down and sleeps a restless sleep in the bath tub with his trusty M4.
Any ways. It's awesome. Almost as good as book of Eli. There is some talk of christians and of there is a God who let over 2 billion people die. I love how socially deprived will smith is in the movie. And also the ending. So go see it if you havnt. If you have... Watch it again!!!
Now time to watch I robot. Another good will smith movie.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hey so here is a video. I'm not sure how you can make it just like appear in a box, and not just a link so any help would be greatly apprieciated. And I spelt that word WAY wrong. Well here you go


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


So once again it's like almost midnight. I guess I like posting stuff best at this hour. I figured I'd try to post more often now. And also figured I'd post this random picture that I hope will work right here below
Here*ish. V

What do you think? Amazing right?*cough*comment*cough*(that was a hint.) I'll try to get cooler ones but I had this on hand so yeah. Sleep tight
Ps. Thanks for that last great comment BeautyD(alright name???)

Monday, August 23, 2010


Terribly sorry I havnt wrote anything at all recently. Couldn't really think of too much to write but i'm laying in bed and just like whatever. And now in writing! School is starting up. 99% percent of kids are thinking of suicide at the moment. The other percent (ME!) are trying to build a time machine to make it start sooner (hope no one is offended by the suicide(don't do it!) comment) I love school <3. It's just an awesome time. At least for me. I'm mid level. In the society ladder. You know the not rude popular people but not the social outcast. Which means I'm liked by most people. So it's great. It's nice to be with a couple hundred kids every day. Waking up early I don't mind. It's makes the day more productive. Anyways enough about me, but first please leave a comment about what you think of school. And of course if your going to Stanford (like someone.....) you better like school. But don't worry I won't send what you say to the principle- though if cash is involved...

Well here's what I meant to write this about but then I got major side tracked about school. (also I might write way more or way less once school starts. And yes I do realize it's hard to write less than I am.)
Child programming
The more I think about it the more it seems that there really is such a thing. Like you can program a child to be a certain way when he is older. And now your going 'well duh!" but I mean is 'is there really a different personality to every one. God given? Or is it just the personality your experiences and setting gives you? Because I like to think that even if I grew up in west side LA I would still be me. But I don't think I would.. I don't know and I gues there is really no way to know for sure. THOUGHTS?please post them.

Sorry for the totally random placement and tempo of it. I'm kind of like freaking but not, and for no reason at all.. Very weird.
Comment button below...
It's calling your name...
Very loudly...
It's about to hurt my ears...
And give me a head ache...
Look it's even flashing...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Shark week!

Happy shark week everyone.
The most awesome week of the year! Hope y'all are going to enjoy it.

Anyways I'll talk about important stuff now.... Not really

I recently bought 'haste the day-attack of the wolf king'. Very cool album. The overalll theme is nice and kept too. In the album they sing the chorus clearly which I always like. Though their one slow song 'white as snow' I think, was a let down not at all like autumn or labryth. But I like almost all the songs on it. And most of the songs made it into the top 100 metal in iTunes (highest one was 19 I believe)
Anyways if you like Christian metal or like haste the day buy it! Or just listen to them on YouTube forever. Until later, peace.