Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Just wondering

So just wondering. Do you like the short 1 st person story types. Like I think they were titled Precious and Eyes. Because if you do I could do more. Or if you like longer. I may be able to do that too.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Still alive

Don't worry I'm not dead but I am in a sort of blogger slump can't think of much to blog about but that might change. Any I'm still here.


Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hey I was wondering eat you guys thought of this statement made by some one I know when asked if he had any fears or phobias.
"No fears. No phobias.

1Jn 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love."


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So how much would y'all like me to do a music video starring myself?! I may do one but you know. Internet privacy and all of that such.
And if any of you hav a creative idea for a short story get it to me tomorrow and I might post it in a day.
Thanks much. And if you k ow any one who might appreciate this blog please spread the word.


Saturday, September 11, 2010


Here's a pic from the bus on the way to may second cross country race which I took a magnificent 88th place. I think. Yeah so not to beastly. But yeah at least I finished. - I wasn't last!-

And it wasnt to hot so it was nice.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Animal by..... you guessed it Kesha.

another song i like of hers... kind of the same tempo

now ill bet that you didnt look up zac efron so ill show him to you
ah yeah now your scarred for life.
in other important news
9/11 ! I cant say much on it really we've only heard the same stuff for .... 8? years so i doubt ill say anything new. hope you have a good 9/11 if possible.

so today when i was listening to... Kesha- which really has nothing to do with these thoughts- i thought about purpose in life. like at that moment i felt like i grasped and understood how i should live these next few years... and then i lost it.... and let me add a couple more.... Its funny how we live for certain things at certain parts in our life. I mean i get it but like running for instance your running 7 miles and about to kill your self when your done but you know in about two days youll be glad you did. we tend to think that certain events will change our entire lifes but really nothing you do is really unrevearsable... (previous statement not accountable in a court of law. any literal translation of that sentence is considered void. do not under any circumstance try to prove it wrong.) i guess you could kill your self or someone else but ... really??? have a good day
ps thoughts? i rushed it a little cause i got to go. bye

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


So here's my favorite version of one of the greatest songs of all time. Though I guess "Bet on it" by zack efron is just a tad better. Small bit.... (and if you havnt heard that song here it is... maybe... never mind i don't feel like posting a link. Just search it on YouTube. It's amazing!!!)

Back to the main song..
I just love it because it just is amazing. No matter who sings it or how, it sounds good. (I'll put the link down at the bottom.) (don't worry)
This version is my fav because he sings it slow and his voice isn't..... Pure. It's rough and is more common sounding, if that makes sense. -nevermind I put link at top so you can listen to it as you read this! Fooled you!-
And there's my record for most unorganized post. Hope you enjoy!!!!!!


Monday, September 6, 2010


So a couple of days this happened and I kind of forgot about it but then it popped into my mind and i don't know . It stuck out I suppose. It was in my Spanish class and we answered some questions -in spanish- and the teacher was choosing people to read their answers.
Now in our class we have a ... Mentally challenged..? Person. I'm not sure what is.. Different with him. But you can tell he is. Anyways (no offense meant to anyone) the teacher randomly picked a name and it was his so he slowly and hesitantly stumbled through his answer and at the end the teacher said "Bueno (good (I think)) " and the class applauded -like we usually do- and you could tell by his reaction/expression/ and demeanor that he was like totally happy or pridefull of his answer. Completely and utterly happy. His smile said that with out doubt and I have to say that is the happiest I have seen anyone one in a long time! It's seemed like pure joy.
Now I don't know anything about the person or if that even was truly a smile of happiness (but it certainly looked like one) but what I do know is that his smile looked twice as happy as anyone elses and he might hav half of what most kids do to look forward to.
The kids who are popular and smart and have everything going for them seems happy (occasionally) and smile every now and then but still. But if they would be as happy as him for small stuff like having the class aplaud you for giving a short answer imagine how happy they would be when say they won a championship or got to go to Disney land/World. Imagine how your life would be then????

Well just something that made me think a little. No disrespect to any one... Different. Hope you understood it. Please comment. If your new please say how you found my blog. Hasta la viesta and see you later! Have a good start to the school week!!!


Saturday, September 4, 2010


So I was looking through my stacks of writings and I found this one. It's not too old maybe... 6 to 8 months ish. It is kind of dark to some. Deffinatly not happy unless you like cheese. Any way here it is don't forget to post your thoughts (it isn't edited so may be some mistakes (but when are any of my posts edited ?)) enjoy

How much can be told about a man by his eyes? Some say very little, others say everything. I believe, no, I Know for a fact you can learn everything.
I knew a man once and his eyes revealed everything. It may sound fictionous but I tell you it wasn't. Now let me tell you about.
He was a soldier and warrior. His eyes said he had seen death and not just plain death, death brought about by himself. Death that he personaly carried out. With either a pull of a trigger, a short command, or even a swift jerk of a blade. His eyes with solemn and smooth, sunken deap within their sockets. Not only had he seen and carried out death but he had come to accept it. He had found the self justice of the situation and kept it. He was not happy with what he had done but he accepted it. His eyes not only smooth but also hard. It showed that he had killed before and would not hesitate to do it again if came the option. He would fight and kill all the harder if there was loved ones to save but now that was getting harder. He had lost everyone and all. His eyes showed a sleeplessness that came with several nights staying up and regretting the past. A look that described feeling like child when you should of been an adult and having to pay the consequences.
Even with all the death and killing in his eyes there was a softness like none other. A Softness that only came from a love like no other. One look could tell you he cared. He had a wife, oh how he adored her. He labored for her. Spent his whole life for her and then what? Only to hav her snatched away from him forever.
Revenge would glow from his eyes. Revenge sparked his brown eyes and gave them fire. The one who took his reson to live away would suffer. Now he lived for that reason only. No remorse and no regret. No pain and no emotion. His eyes may show emotion but his heart has been turned cold. Now he needs no self justice to make right the people he killed. He did not cared about anyone. All he cared for had already left this earth. Let the world burn! Forget the way of justice taught to him in the wars. Let nothing but hatred rule him. Now he now hunts and soon he shall find his prey. God help them.
ps it's fictional. Don't worry :)


Friday, September 3, 2010


Happy three day weekend!!!!! For most of you though I'm sure homework will ruin all the fun! How's it going for all you? Today I had my first cross country race... Worst feeling in my while life. It's like your dead tired, nausaous (throwupish)(spelt way wrong), and totally out of breathe. And keep it up for twenty plus minutes. Then you add the worst experience you've had on top of that and it should be about equal. Not really joking. But I did do a lot better than I thought I would. And was a blast(not!) sort of.... It's love and hate. Hope you all have a great weekend. I'm thinking about a short story. Maybe in a week and a half I'll get it to you maybe. Happy weekend.