Friday, March 12, 2010


Some one kill me now I think I'm in love!
As a very popular person one asked cleverly "What is love?"- haddaway or whoever. You know the rapper dance person. Well what is love. I hears some one once define true love as 'do the absolute best for another person at all times' meaning you do whatever is best for them at all times. I disagree with that because that could be saying God doesn't love us because if we were going by what is best for us wouldn't he make us uncapable of sin? I don't think love is something you can put a deffinition on because there are so many variation and for each person it's different.
Love is the one reason that makes life worth living. Whether it's full blown marrige love or just friend or family love. If you have nothing but love you have all you need. Everyone will fall in love with some one or have a cruch on some one it's human nature. For the few weeks you are in love with that person I think the word is; obssesion. Every thought and every act is based on that person. You can change your entire outward appearance just for love. And after awhile your innerself. For that reason love can make the most change in a person. It amuses me how the world characterizes love now days. Songs like 'Low' and 'right round' and almost any rap song says it's all physical and is based on looks. Good luck to them. There should be some physical attraction don't get me wrong but that shouldn't be the first and only requirement for 'love' or when looking for a girl friend or boy friend.

Now for the keys to reallity side of it. Love is in all of our choices. You'll do this because you love it. Or won't do that because you love this or will always listen to this person. Love keeps up wanting to be here. Without it life would be bland and boring. Love gives sacrifice meaning and gives it cause. Worlds rise and fall because of love. People die and truly live because of love.
Some are wasted away.
Love is something few can do justice in trying to explain or express it.


beautifuldisastre said...

If you're serious about the first line of this post, good luck to you! A couple random love questions, since you wrote about it. In eighth grade, my English teacher said something about love that at the time made me mad but has had me thinking ever since: if it's not mutual, it's not love. What do you think of that statement? Another on-going love debate in my life is between me and Edward*: is love a choice, or is it a spontaneous feeling? He and I kind of resolved it, but I won't tell you the conclusion we came to because I'm curious what you think. I'm not trying to give you an essay assignment, haha. Just two cool love things to think about. Another thing about love? "I love you" is probably the most overused phrase ever. That makes me sad...I wish people would save it for when they mean it because it is the most powerful state there is. Oh, okay, LAST ponder question, but do you believe the statement, "love is forever"? Or can love die? Again, it's okay if you don't actually want to reply to this...just things to think about. I think about love a lot because it's pretty amazing. Also, look up "Greek concept of love," and you'll find some cool distinctions that don't exist in the English language.

Vincent Valentine said...

Oh no I'm not in love. Just a saying. I've kind of realized that it's not like i'm going to find my soul mate at my age so I'm not going to really let myself try. If that makes any sense. 
I'd say no it doesn't have to be mutual. "true love" maybe but love no. Because God loves people who don't love him. 

Love can be both. I'd say for girls it might be more of a feeling because they are made with a more emotion controlled brain (what I've heard)  but for guys it might be a choice. Because they are more physical and not emotional. Ie. They don't get all googlely over someone as easily. I'd also say though that it always can be a choice. You can make your self love or not love a person.       

Well if love is a choice you can always unchoose so yes love can die. Deffinatly.

I always love long comments