Sunday, February 14, 2010

Keys To Reality

~Keys to Reality~
So I don't know anyones view on this and havn't explained this to anyone so it may be.... Different. I'm not saying this is for real just something to think about. I believe there are 3 'Keys to Reality.' or three things that hold this world together. The three are LOVE, HATE, and PAIN. All are neccessary to this reality. They are what makes us decide goals, dreams, take risks, be cautious, be courageous, be cowards. They are the 3 blocks of the foundation of a humans concience. And on top of them we build all other feelings, some are a mixture of two (such as revenge-- Hate + Love) and some are abstract of them. (pain----discomfort, or disgust (disgust could be hate also)

Though I listed 3 some could say that there are four being how everything has an opposite. Opposite of pain being PLEASURE. I didn't state this one because we are not meant to pursue it like we are love.-- Proverbs 21:17 "HE that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: He that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich"
I'm not saying we should pursue Pain or Hate. I'm saying that as a good thing it is easy to pursue but there are much more important issues to pursue. Such as staying away from pain and hate. We are told to love throughout the bible "...Love your neighbor..." and in Psalm 91:14 "BECAUSE he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name."
This is mainly just an overview. I'll go into each one separatly and hopefully you will see exactly what I'm trying to say.

The 'Keys to Reality' are what keeps us in check. Makes us not go crazy or have as many mainiacs like hitler. They could be stated as the main ingriedients to humans. Hope this all made a fraction of sense to you.
P.S- For those of you wondering the version of bible I'm using is an America Standard Version. From what Ive noticed it's close to King James Version. And again comment comment comment!
Thanks for reading!


beautifuldisastre said...

An interesting proposition...I'm intrigued! Looking forward to seeing you go into detail on each. Not sure I entirely agree on excluding pleasure because I believe God is discouraging us from pursuing earthly pleasure, but pleasure is not by any means an emotion we are not meant to experience. Sadly, pleasure is often equated with lust, but I see pleasure as relishing our passions and discovering our strengths and spiritual gifts. Faith in God can give us pleasure when we learn to allow Him to take control. I wish I could give you a counter reference, but I am young in my Bible reading (coming up on one year), thus I am not as adroit at picking out verses when I need them. I apologize, but if a verse comes to me, I'll comment it here.

Vincent Valentine said...

Yeah I kind of just thought of pleasure as I was writing this and didn't think much of it beore hand so I'll look for more about it and if there's enough I'll write one about it.