Monday, April 19, 2010


So as i'm writing this it's Like 11:00 at night and i'm thinking. Who in the world says to go to sleep at night?

Everything has a start and end.
Days- mornings and nights
Years- jan 1 to the end of Dec.
Life- birth to death.
and what we do with those things are based on the beginings and the ends. New years for instance we only celebrate because technically it's new.
Days- we start by waking up. Breakfast, lunch dinner sleep. And repeat.
I'm mainly talking about days for this.
Our WHOLE society is based on the day timeline. Resturants, either for breakfast or lunch and dinner. Parties, at night usually. School, in the morning almost every day.

Now let's say that all this is because of "the man" (for those of you who don't know who "the man" is watch school of rock) "the man" wants us to be repeatative. He's the one who tells us to go to sleep at night and restart every morning.

So i'm really just thinking what would it be like if we had "days" lasting three tradition days(72 hr). It would change the world.
One. We would have basically 3 versions for every main meal. A breakfast breakfast. A lunch breakfast. And a dinner breakfast. And that repeating for everyone.
We could have one 13 hour block of sleeping at every "day" interval. And three 5 hour naps spaced in between.
Because of a longer period of not resetting like we do every morning, people would get more work done. More advancements would be made with night and everything associated because of more time awake in it.

And because of this Garfield and a million more others will no longer be able to hate Mondays.

Really I was just thinking about how different everything would be and what life would be like. If it would be better or worse or just different. I'd like to hear what you all think so please comment.


beautifuldisastre said... interesting thought! Chemically, the brain is wired for approximately 24 hour days (I think the figure is like 24.3). There was a study where they took people out of the normal "day/night" environment and kept them in constant light for a few days. They found that, even without "society" or clocks, the people maintained a period of sleep and awake time that reset at approximately 24 hours. That's not to say your suggestion isn't intriguing, though. I feel like we'd all be pretty exhausted, though...I mean, a five hour nap would feel like a low night of sleep to me...some juniors get five hours of sleep on a regular basis (not me, though!), so I'm not sure anything would truly change. I also feel like with increased tiredness, productivity would go down.

Vincent Valentine said...

Yeah physically yes. But what about mentally. I mean that in the morning I'm trying to prepare my self for the day. Good clothes, good breakfast, money, phone. And then mid day comes and I'm waiting for it to be over. Night comes and I want to stay up late listening to music or watching tv. Mentally these phases stick out big in my brain. In some ways it's depressing sometimes it's enlightening. If it was longer these 'phases' might be different and in some ways better Mentally but also in some ways worse Mentally.

As always I very much enjoy your comments thanks.