Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Well a couple nights ago I had youth group and the youth pastor was talking about respect and he made it sound like he was saying we should give everyone our respect.

now this is going to be a short one but I think that we should be nice to everyone but our respect should be for those who earn it. Because I'd rather be respected than be.... Whatever. Because respect is somthing that it takes more to get than other things, and because of that is more valuable. If everyone got respect well what would be the point. You know? Anyways what are your thoughts?

1 comment:

beautifuldisastre said...

I think I agree with you on that one. Though everyone deserves kindness and the benefit of the doubt initially, respect needs to be earned. However, that doesn't mean you don't give the person a chance or even a second chance. That just means if someone is rude to you, all you can do is be honest with that person and try and make things right. You can't be expected to respect the person very much. By the same token, you can't gain respect without giving respect.