Tuesday, January 4, 2011


"Oh, what a tragedy!" I stared at the blank white paper. It had annoying little blue lines running horizontally across its width. They were faded almost beyond sight, but that only added to their distinctness. A lone, pinkish-red line ran vertically down the paper, a lone wolf that stuck out like a sore thumb. By now the blank page should’ve been filled with words, but none stood out.

       A stray word drifted through my thoughts. It read "nothing". No ideas came from that word, none threatened to take its standing in my brain. There was only that one word and no others, and for some strange reason that word was stuck like a thorn stabbing you in the foot. It wasn't going away anytime soon.

      Someone in the classroom sneezed, taking my intense concentration away from that one word. "Bless you," I said only to be polite but was very upset that my concentration was completely blown. I returned to that one word that held no promise of anything. Suddenly another word came from that one word, like a vine sprouting from the main stem, and from that word, another word sprouted. All at once, I had an idea. It was perfect. If I wrote it correctly I would surely be promoted instantly to Honors English III. The idea was mind blowing! I still didn't know if my mind was completely free of side effects. The best thing about the idea was that it was still growing; it got bigger and bigger. I knew in my heart that this was already an A++, no doubt.

     I instantly put pencil to paper and zipped through the introduction. I read back through it quickly. It was even better than I had hoped for! Title...? It needed no title! The introduction was too masterful to be dragged down by a label. I looked through the first paragraph for mistakes - none. My writing was masterful. I read it again. It had been too long since I had read anything this magnificent. Again I picked up zero mistakes.

I moved on to the body. It took me only seconds to think, and already I had begun writing masterfully. With every second the writing was doubling in being awesome. Paragraphs flew by.

          Second paragraph.

          Third paragraph.

            Fourth paragraph.

 Already I knew in my heart, this paper was beyond amazing. Even my teacher would be unable to speak after reading its words.

The paper was drawing to a close. I needed a conclusion, the one thing that readers would remember word for word. Four sentences that would blow peoples' minds. Even Chuck Norris would recognize it as better than when he wrote War and Peace in a sentence. I had to dig deep. I could feel the perfect sentences; I just had to reach into the far corners of my mind. Suddenly, I grasped ideas better than ever before. I wrote them frantically on my paper so I wouldn't loose any. There it was on my own paper, written by me. It was almost too perfect for me to even look at… Almost.

    I looked up from my paper not wanting to fry my irises. All my peers still labored on their papers. If only they knew how futile their attempts were on writing a paper grander than mine. Compared to mine, none can come close! I stood up with all the greatness of a king. My destination was the teacher’s desk, the place where all papers met their destiny. With each step I felt the growing sense of accomplishment. The desk had never been so inviting. I could already hear the deafening applause that was to come.

       "I'M DONE!" Smith shouted, giving me only a little start. But then what happened next I would never forgive him. He jumped out of his desk. Unfortunately, I was standing right next to his desk. We collided. I lunged towards the left row of desks, falling on one then fell to the ground. I looked up. Dread filled me instantly. It happened in slow motion. My paper, my perfect paper, glided through the air as if propelled by other forces right towards the new fan. The two collided, the paper had no chance. It was nothing short of confetti.

      "Detention! Both of you!"

Hope you like it. It gave me a great grade so hopefully you don't think it's trash if you do then it shows what teachers are like these days

Monday, January 3, 2011

Random stuff

Hey so I think tomorrow maybe wednesdays I'll post this short paper I did for school, hopefully you will find some entertainment value from it.

I just wanted to see have any of you noticed how truly alone we are? Now I know 'God is always with us' but I'm talking more of earthly things. There are certain times when we certainly feel alone. When no one talks to you or will even look at you. Or if your used to a girl/boy friend no one to hold you or say they love you, hug, feel close to. Aside from those times I think we also decieve our selfs on being 'not alone.' Our minds are completely separate, our souls will never clash, our thoughts intertwined. There will never be anyone who completely understands you. (And off the subject but if I completely understood some one... BORING.) We betray ourselves by being with friends and having parties or events. Words hardly express what's going on inside. Words are probably the least accurate at refraining emotions compared to actions. In this world we are alone. In a blink of an eye your world you knew can be gone and then you realize how truly aloke you are. No body. No place. No home. No pets. Nothing to call your own. Nothing familiar.